Small blogger spotlight #1: M&C Crazy Book Blog

I know I'm a couple weeks late, but I wasn't just gonna give up my promise so here it is. The weekly Small Blogger Spotlight.

This blog is only one or two months older than mine, but is still relatively small and wrongly so. The blog revolves around doing tags, awards, stuff about music, and a lot of book reviews, and the writing is properly good. You should definitely check it out if you like music, or books, or just want a great new blog to read. Their writing is consistently great, unlike um…my early days of review after review after review with no filler or anything (If you don't know what I'm talking about have a lot at the posts in my last blog, The Marvelites) which was perfectly fine, but wasn't very interesting for me to write, and not very interesting for my followers to read. And that is exactly what this blog does right. It's balance of reviews, tags and other posts.

And anyway, they only have 19 subs, so definitely check them out.

Here's some links:

Their blog

Their about page

Their latest music post (the shuffle the music tag)

Their latest book review (Divergent Book 1 by Veronica Roth)

Random suprise post from them

So anyway, hope you enjoyed that,

And for now,


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